VOLUME 2 , ISSUE 3 ( July-September, 2016 ) > List of Articles
Nagendra Prasad, T Alpana
DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10045-0035
License: NA
Published Online: 01-06-2017
Copyright Statement: NA
To assess the results of management of ectopic pregnancy with respect to maternal morbidity and mortality and to analyze the risk factors. Hospital based cross-sectional study of 52 patients who were diagnosed as ectopic pregnancy in the reproductive age group of 15 to 44 years. A total of 62 patients with ectopic pregnancy were identified and studied. The rate of ectopic pregnancy was 1.26:100 deliveries. The mean age was found to be 26 years and majority of them were multigravida (Tables 1 and 2). The most common presenting symptom was abdominal pain (96.15%) (Table 3). Most patients had tubal ectopic pregnancy (94.2%). Ovarian ectopic occurred in two cases and 1 patient had heterotopic pregnancy. Emergency laparotomy was performed in 39 (62.90%) patients, 3 (5.77%) patients received methotrexate injection while 18 (29.0%) patients were managed by operative laparoscopy (Table 5). All cases of laparotomy did not require any further procedure. Out of three cases, 2 (66.66%) cases of medical treatment were successful while only 1 (33.33%) case proceeded to emergency laparotomy. No maternal death occurred. Intensive care unit (ICU) stay was needed in 5 patients. Risk factors were found in 67.3% and most common risk factor was found to be previous pelvic surgeries (56.45%) (Table 6). Heterotopic pregnancy was managed by expectant method. Two patients were of post-intrauterine contraceptive device. Although there was no mortality in our study, morbidity was significant which required multiple blood transfusion and ICU admission. High degree of suspicion, early diagnosis using hormonal studies, sonography, and management in an institutional set up can reduce the associated morbidity. Alpana T, Nagarathnamma R, Prasad N. Management and Outcome of Ectopic Pregnancy in a Tertiary Care Center. J Med Sci 2016;2(3):45-47.