VOLUME 5 , ISSUE 2 ( April-June, 2019 ) > List of Articles
Shushan S Jayker, Jyothi A Raj, Sahithi Tadi, Ritu Yadav, Sharmila P Surhonne
Keywords : Autopsy, Histopathology, Spleen, Splenectomy
DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10045-00120
License: CC BY-NC 4.0
Published Online: 01-12-2019
Copyright Statement: Copyright © 2019; The Author(s).
Introduction: The spleen belongs to the reticuloendothelial system and is involved in hematopoietic disorders as much as in infectious/inflammatory and metabolic disorders. Aims and objectives: To study the spectrum of splenic pathology in morbid and autopsy specimens; to correlate the clinicopathological findings in the former and the possible cause of death in the latter. Materials and methods: All resected and autopsy specimens of spleen received over a period of 7 years were included in the study. Tissues were routinely processed and stained; immunohistochemistry (IHC) and special stains were performed where indicated. The clinical findings were correlated with gross features and microscopic findings, and the results were analyzed. Results: Out of 133 specimens of spleen studied, 114 were from autopsy and 19 were surgically resected. Most specimens were from males and in the 3rd decade. Pathology of spleen ranged from the benign cysts and infections to hematopoietic neoplasms like chronic myeloid leukemia and follicular lymphoma, accounting for 4% neoplastic and 96% non-neoplastic etiologies. Chronic venous congestion was the most common pathology in both autopsy and morbid spleens. Conclusion: The spleen is uncommon among histopathology samples. Most spleens received for histopathologic evaluation are from autopsy, while resected specimens are few and far in-between. Pathological diagnosis helps in better postoperative management, while autopsy studies enhance our knowledge of splenic pathology. Some of the rare lesions reported in this study were follicular lymphoma in a resected spleen and Littoral cell angioma in autopsy.