VOLUME 4 , ISSUE 2 ( April-June, 2018 ) > List of Articles
AN Dhanya, B Niranjana Murthy
Keywords : Bloom Richardson score, Breast carcinoma, E-cadherin, Immunohistochemistry
DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10045-0082
License: NA
Published Online: 01-10-2018
Copyright Statement: NA
Introduction: Cancer of breast has emerged as the leading site of cancer in India. E-cadherin (E-CD) is one of calciumdependent transmembrane glycoprotein mediating cell–cell adhesion. It has its application in differentiating invasive ductal carcinoma not otherwise specified (IDC-NOS) vs invasive lobular carcinomas (ILCs) and predicting the aggressiveness of the tumor. In this study, we intend to see E-CD expression in breast carcinoma by immunohistochemistry (IHC), comparing its status with histological grade and type. Materials and methods: A total of 47 breast tissue specimens were included in the study. The histomorphological grading (Modified Scarf Bloom Richardson system) and immunohistochemical scoring were done. Chi-square formula was applied to check the association between E-CD expression and various variables. Results: The mean age was 51 years. The most common type was IDC-NOS (79%) and grade II (38%). Majority (62%) were lymph node negative. The E-CD IHC performed showed most cases (55%) were severely reduced E-CD, while wellexpressed E-CD and moderately reduced E-CD were 28 and 17% respectively. The E-CD expression was statistically significant (p < 0.05) with histological grade and lymph node status. Though the p-value of E-CD expression vs histopathological type was not significant, all ILCs showed complete loss of E-CD expression compared with IDC-NOS. Conclusion: The E-CD expression is well preserved in welldifferentiated carcinomas and reduced in poorly differentiated carcinomas. Loss of E-CD expression is seen in lymph node metastasis breast carcinomas and in high-grade breast carcinomas, which proves E-CD can be used as a marker of tumor invasion and tumor aggressiveness. Complete loss of E-CD is seen in all ILC, which can also be helpful in differentiating IDC NOS from ILC.