The aim of this study is to identify in vivo the main blood supply to the bony chin and to determine the efficacy of ultrasound Doppler in determining this aspect and then compare it with radiograph.
Materials and methods
The study was carried on 50 subjects divided into two equal groups. In the first group, the lingual foramen was identitifed on intraoral periapical (IOPA) radiograph of the mandibular incisor region. Ultrasound Doppler identification of blood supply to the anterior part of the mandible was carried out. In the second group of 25 subjects, the procedure was reversed. This was done to avoid procedural bias.
In our patients, the midline artery entering the lingual foramen was seen by ultrasound and radiograph. Their average diameters and velocities were measured. It was identified in 46 cases by the ultrasound Doppler examination. The IOPA radiographic examination was successful in identifying the foramen in 30 cases. The average diameter of the midline artery entering the lingual foramen was found to be 0.14 cm. The average velocity of blood flow in this artery was found to be 25.5 cm/second.
The ultrasound Doppler is a reliable tool to visualize and measure the blood supply to the anterior part of the mandible.
How to cite this article
Kiran MS, Manjunath M, Shukla AK, Vidya S. Reliability of Ultrasound in the Identification and Measurement of Blood Supply to the Anterior Part of the Mandible. J Med Sci 2017;3(1):20-24.
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