VOLUME 3 , ISSUE 1 ( January-March, 2017 ) > List of Articles
Anita Bhosale, MV Krishna, Suraj Das, M Gautam
DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10045-0048
License: NA
Published Online: 01-12-2017
Copyright Statement: NA
The present study was carried out to study various atherosclerotic risk factors in prediabetes and type II diabetes mellitus (DM) patients, with special reference to carotid artery intima–media thickness (CIMT). The mean value of CIMT as an indicator of early atherosclerosis was determined and the various atherosclerotic risk factors in patients with prediabetes and type II DM were studied. A Comparative two group study was conducted involving 50 patients each with prediabetes and type 2 diabetes mellitus in the age group of 30 to 65 years, Confirmed by FPG/2hour PG/HbA1C/Random plasma glucose values according to ADA criteria, over a period of one year. The study consisted of interview regarding demographic profiles, vascular risk factors, fundoscopy and investigation like FPG, 2hour PG with OGTT, HbA1C, lipid profile, Renal function tests, urine for microalbuminuria, ECG, 2DECHO and CIMT Measurement using B mode ultrasonography. The association between age of the patients and occurrence of type II DM and prediabetes was found to be statistically significant. Mean duration of type II DM in our study was 6.64 ± 6.71 years. 66% Diabetics and 62% Pre-Diabetics had a BMI over 23. Mean TGs levels in diabetics and Pre-diabetics where 268 mg/dl and 193mg/dl respectively. Mean CIMT in Diabetics and Pre-diabetics were 0.81mm and 0.67mm respectively. Incidence of hypertension in diabetics and Pre-diabetics were 30% and 26% respectively. CIMT had a positive association with hypertension, smoking, and a moderate significance with alcohol use. The present study emphasizes on the role of CIMT measurement as a routine investigation among diabetics and pre-diabetics for early recognition of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular risk reduction. Bhosale A, Krishna MV, Suraj D, Gautam M. Study of Atherosclerotic Risk Factors in Patients with Prediabetes and Type II Diabetes Mellitus with Special Reference to Carotid Intima–media Thickness. J Med Sci 2017;3(1):15-19.